上海第一家以街头潮流艺术为主的画廊概念店「DA>SPACE」在三月十一号正式开幕,并于开幕当天晚上六点举行了小型庆祝派对。座落于上海福建中路与广东路口的DA>SPACE,在这个派对上邀请了许多艺术家、设计师朋友们到场,庆祝这个给所有街头潮流艺术爱好者提供交流及沟通的新空间;贵宾们来到派对现场,欣赏店主Eddi及Jukai从国外带回的著名街头潮流艺术家作品,同时正式发表来自北京的设计师WZL及知名香港设计师玩具品牌adFunture合作,中国第一个实现设计师玩具量产的产品-「I , WZL」。 Shanghai’s first street art gallery shop finally opened on March 11th, and it was quite a party. Located on the corner of FuJian Zong Lu and Guang Dong Lu, DA>SPACE Gallery Shop was packed with artists and friends that night to celebrate what’s to be the new meeting place for many street art lovers. As people came to the party to enjoy the graffiti art collection that the owners of DA>SPACE, Jukai and Eddi, have hung on the walls, they also got to bring home Mainland China’s first production designer figures designed by Beijing artist WZL.
这个新成立的艺术空间由三个不同主题项目-展示画廊、商品销售及工作室共同结合而成,而身为店主的两位创意工作者希望带领更多感兴趣的国内外潮流艺术家,共同利用这个空间创造全新且有趣的艺术活动。由开幕当天派对逾两百位来宾的热烈反应来看,DA>SPACE似乎能迅速成为一个中国艺术家、设计师及创意工作者最佳的聚会场所之一! The new art space is a three-in-one environment where a gallery, shop and studio are all housed under one roof. The creative duo is set to bring in more international artists to work together with local talents hoping to spark up new exciting art projects. From the response of the opening, it seems like DA>SPACE is just the type the venue that artists are craving for in China.
介绍即将在3/23于da>space展出的日本名古屋艺术家Washio Tomoyuki
在开幕仪式中正式对外发表中国第一个设计师玩具— I , WZL
现场嘉宾获得「I , da>space」开幕纪念限定版
● 缘起 近年街头文化持续的影响了音乐与艺术界,同时深植欧美及亚洲年轻人心中,成为当代潮流与时尚最具体的一种风格代表。hip-hop及灵魂乐歌手占据了排行榜的首位,有些喜好街头文化的设计师利用计算机软件,结合着音乐创作出精彩缤纷的多媒体作品;年轻的艺术家纷纷涌上街头,尝试着应用喷罐及油漆来表达自己的观点,感受与这个城市融为一体的感觉;某些设计师则利用塑料等工艺,把自己创作的角色制成玩具人偶,大量的散布出去。这一切的一切,已经汇聚成一股新兴的势力,更成为一种浓郁香甜的文化气息,逐渐广泛的感染每一个人。
● 目的 当欧美与亚洲先进国家,对于这些信息及内容皆触手可及之时,在中国这块广大土地上的年轻人们,却还没能真正进入这潮流最前线的大门;于是透过Eddi及Jukai在国外近年的实务经验及资源,05年底他们正式的展开合作,共同组织了da>space概念店工作小组,并策划于翌年3/11正式开幕后,开展一系列工作,正式引领国外流行艺术与国内接轨,让上海及附近地区的人们能够就近体验与了解、甚至进一步参与当代的街头艺术盛事,藉由更具国际观的视野来提升国内总体艺术文化水平。
● 经营项目与内容 da>space首要工作即不定期邀请国外知名艺术家来沪举办经典主题作品展览,并且在店内规划销售展示空间,引进并贩卖国际当红潮流艺术(公仔玩具、服饰单品) 等商品,同时成立da>studio工作室,为客户提供高水平且国际化的商品、玩具、礼品与平面广告等之设计、生产及制作服务,也提供展览策划及租借场地等服务。除了上述项目外,我们也将发表属于da>概念系列的自创产品品牌「da>life」,透过此品牌开发销售与街头艺术有关的服饰及配件,并藉此促进跨界合作、异业结合等商业操作模式,与其它品牌连手创造属于中国的潮流新文化。
Da>space 上海市黄埔区福建中路84号2楼(广东路口) 邮编:200001 电话: (86 21) 6328 0738 Email: info@da-space.com 网站: www.da-space.com 近期展出信息: For the one,who is supposed to see me someday. This World – Shanghai 日本名古屋潮流艺术家 Washio Tomoyuki 个展 2006年3月25日至4月22日
开幕仪式 3月25日下午14:00-17:00
Lads and Dogs 阿姆斯特丹著名涂鸦单位The London Police(伦敦警察)个展 2006年4月27日至5月31日
About da>space
Da>space Gallery Shop is Shanghai’s first contemporary art and designer toys gallery that focuses on urban art. Operated by Taiwanese graphics designer Jukai and Canadian Eddi Yip, the mission is to showcase a wide range of international artistic talents in China. We strongly believe that the best way for local talents to grow is to have the opportunities to explore what other artists are doing in other countries, and by sharing, we learn from each other, and we learn together.
da>space also has a retail department built-in. Allowing art enthusiasts the opportunities to bring home some of the best art collectibles our genre has to offer. To ensure that our visitors are getting authentic merchandises, we source most of our products direct from their designers. da>space is China’s first authorized dealer for New York street wear brands RECON and Subware. da>space is also the place where one could find the full line of designer products brand adFunture.
Located in one of the city’s busiest districts, the gallery shop is convenient for most art lovers and youths to visit. Come out and support the movement!
Contact Us:
Da>space 84 FuJian Zhong Lu, 2nd Floor, Huang Pu, Shanghai 200001 China
Phone: (86 21) 6328 0738 Email: info@da-space.com
For the one,who is supposed to see me someday. This World – Shanghai Solo Exhibition by Washio Tomoyuki March 25th to April 22nd, 2006
Opening Reception March 25th, 14:00-17:00
Lads and Dogs Solo Exhibition by The London Police April 27th to May 31st, 2006
作者: WZL 来源: 视觉同盟 (责任编辑:luwei) |