海外媒体上,对于这一系统有着比较全面的报道:“The Alpha 900 has a big mirror (full frame and 100% coverage kind of precludes anything smaller), so Sony has designed a totally new mirror box that uses a clever 'Parallel Link' system to raise the mirror (rather than simply swinging it) without the need for a considerably deeper body. The mechanism itself features a newly developed moving magnet actuator, coreless motor and magnetic catcher (to minimize bounce) - all of which help the Alpha 900 achieve its impressive 5.0 fps shooting speed.”这套系统的核心目的,是保证反光镜在运动时,在反光镜箱内前后缘所在的面是两个趋近平行的两个平面,而非多数反光镜系统运动时后缘几乎固定,而前缘沿一个扇面运动——索尼这样做,可以减小反光镜箱的深度,笔者以为,这很有可能是为了给后面的CMOS防抖系统留出足够的运动空间。据称,A900反光镜系统,如果脱离电机,由人手工抬起后,不会因自重落下。