Google 选在 Computex 2009 前一天召开记者会,主讲人不是我们熟悉的简博士,是 Google
负责亚太区所有销售和营运的全球副总裁 Daniel Alegre(上图)。陪在旁边的人物也来头不小,为 Google
负责大中华区业务的全球副总裁刘允(刘允还曾担任 SK 电讯中国区首席执行长)。
我们判断 Google 绝对不是刻意要选在 Computex
这个敏感时刻来开这种大头目记者会(星期一当天有将近十场记者会),合理的推测是这两位重量级人物是来 Computex 谈生意的,谈的生意重点就是
Android(看看刘允副总裁的特长),如果是这样,或许在接下来的 Computex 会场中应该可以看到许多 Android 上身的身影(拜托一定要有,不然今年
Computex 就没看头了)。
上图这些在日本行动网络应用都是 Daniel Alegre 所喜爱的,包括超巨形 QR Code和直接拿手机当作
Coupon 在收银台扫描,并有20%消费者使用e-money。跳转看 Daniel Alegre
Google chose to host a press conference just one day
before the opening of Computex 2009. The host is not Dr. Chien, but rather
Google's Vice President of Asia Pacific Sales & Operations, Daniel Alegre.
Also at the press conference is Google's Vice President Dr. Liu (he used to be
SK communications' CEO in China).
We think that Google didn't
deliberately choose to have this conference so close to Computex, because on
Monday there were about 10 different press conferences. A plausible explanation
would be that they are here to strike some business deals, and the focus would
be on Android (which is Liu's expertise). If this is true, perhaps we will see
lots of Android-related products this year. It would be disappointing if there
isn't any.
The pictures shown here are Daniel Alegre's favourite mobile
network applications in Japan, including massive QR code and coupons right on
your phone.
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